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Monthly Archives: June 2011
GSTC Holds 2nd Annual Membership Council Meeting

Global Sustainable Tourism Council Holds 2nd Annual Membership Council Meeting, hosted by the city of Barcelona. Over 150 organizations gatherer in support of sustainable tourism and to celebrate Barcelona as the first city to receive the sustainable destination BIOSPHERE certification. Barcelona, … Continue reading
3rd International Travelers’ Philanthropy Conference in Costa Rica

Join Center for Responsible Travel and Montverde Institute for the 3rd International Travelers’ Philanthropy bilingual Conference in San Jose and Monteverde, Costa Rica July 20 – 23, 2011. The Conference will open at an elegant location in San Jose on the 20th and … Continue reading
RTTZ Seminar at Karibu Fair 2011

Responsible Tourism Tanzania held a seminar during the Karibu Fair. The response from the attendees was very encouraging. 4 speakers presented the following topics: 1. Responsible Tourism Tanzania- an overview of a new organization that will provide guidelines and certification for … Continue reading
World responsible tourism day

The third edition of the Worldwide Day for Responsible Tourism will take place June 2 with the theme “Tourism and Water Resources.” The aim of the event is to inform, educate and convince tourism and stakeholders of the link between … Continue reading
Wildlife populations under threat in Masai Mara

The BBC have recently reported that populations of wildlife species in the world-renowned Masai Mara reserve in Kenya have crashed in the past three decades, according to research published in the Journal of Zoology. Numbers of impala, warthog, giraffe, topi … Continue reading