6 new trainees have started with RTTZ

We are now in the process of building the capacity of RTTZ to eventually lead to certification; this is the verification procedure beforehand. This involves first doing a self assessment, and then to submit some documents online and to finally do a field visit to your property by an auditor.

We have 6 new trainees that have just started with RTTZ, they will be trained over the next few months to become auditors and also coaches; these coaches will help organizations through the check list of criteria.  Currently the majority of the team are in their final year and are on field attachment to RTTZ for 4 months, during this time they will be developing a Practical Guide to the Criteria Book and visits to camps and hotels to learn. They have come from Sokoine University of Agriculture; the Department of Wildlife Management or the Sebastian Kolowa University College of Tumaini University in Lushoto doing the Science in Ecotourism and Nature Conservation degree. Click here to know more>


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